March 11, 2025

Washington, DC

Executive Roundtable: Accessible Design 

Invited Participant

I am invited to join an executive roundtable on accessible design hosted by Steelcase Life Design. 


February 17, 2025

Philadelphia, PA

Bridging Divides: Disability Law 

Invited Speaker

I spoke at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School on disability law, examining the often under examined areas of law and policy as it relates to topics ranging from education, technology, and healthcare. 

December 03, 2024

Baltimore, MD

The Value of Care: Disability & Health Care

Invited Speaker

I delivered a talk at the Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Center for Movement Studies on the topic of disability and person-centered care in healthcare. 

November 14, 2024

Washington, DC

Disability & Navigating Times of Transition in Public Policy 

Public Talk

I presented  at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on the topic of disability policy, international relations during administrative transitions.

November 08, 2024

Rochester, NY

Reframe, Collaborate, Innovate 

Keynote Speaker

I will deliver the keynote presentation at the Carolyn Bowman Theatre Symposium at Roberts Wesleyan University in Rochester, NY. 

September 05, 2024

Baltimore, MD

Research Reimagined: Disability-Led Innovation in Pharmacology

Invited Speaker

I delivered a NIH-sponsored Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) session at the Johns Hopkins Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences’ departmental retreat on the topic of disability-led research, innovation, and research ethics.

August 01, 2024

Baltimore, MD

Leading the Charge: Strategizing Disability as a Source of Innovation in Higher Education

Invited Speaker

I served on a panel for Johns Hopkins’ Inclusive Excellence and Education Leading DEI Strategy in Higher Education certificate program. This program emphasizes innovative strategies and effective solutions for transformative change. My discussion will focus on reimagining disability in the classroom, highlighting it not as a liability, but as an untapped resource of human capital and a source of innovation in higher education.

July 17, 2024

Baltimore, MD

“After Access” 

Invited Speaker

I delievered the welcoming remarks at the Opening Plenary for the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) conference in Baltimore, MD. 

July 11, 2024

Laurel, MD

Crippin’ Physics: From Accessibility to Disability Innovation in STEMM

Invited Speaker

I delivered a keynote presentation to the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory discussing disability-led innovation in the STEMM field. 

June 18, 2024

Baltimore, MD

Leading the Way: Advancing Disability Health Equity at Johns Hopkins & Beyond

Invited Speaker

I gave a Grand Rounds presentation with Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The presentation offered a deeper understanding of the various models of disability and recommendations for incorporating those models into health practice; promoted healthy equity through disability-led care, leadership, and innovation; and encouraged the integration of personal and professional insights into disability by highlighting the value of disability beyond clinical diagnoses and fostering more holistic approaches to care and health policy development. 

May 17-18, 2024

Vancouver, CA

Beyond Common Sense: Disability, Legal Perception & the Question of Justice


Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I presented an academic paper that delved into the judicial proceedings involving individuals labeled as disabled and subjected to custodial institutions. This exploration critically examined the ways in which legal, medical, and judicial professionals have historically leveraged perceptions of sensory abilities—or the perceived absence thereof—as a basis for determining an individual’s fitness for society and justification for lifelong institutionalization. Through this analysis, the paper sought to unravel the complex interplay of legal perception, sensory evaluation, and the broader question of justice, challenging traditional notions and advocating for a more nuanced understanding of justice, care, and community-making in the context of disability law and policy. 

May 06, 2024

Washington, DC

Navigating the Path to Inclusive Education: A Panel on Accessibility in Higher Education

Invited Panelist

Hopkins’ Advanced Academic Programs hosted an engaging panel discussion which brought together a dynamic group of speakers from the Hopkins’ community who shed light on the pressing need for accessibility within spaces of higher education. We delved into the current challenges, shared innovative practices, and discussed strategies for creating educational environments where every student has the opportunity to thrive. 

May 02, 2024

Baltimore, MD

Breaking the Bias: Academic Ableism in Higher Education – A Leadership Session

Invited Speaker

The Johns Hopkins Diversity Leadership Summit  invited me to present a session titled “Breaking the Bias: Academic Ableism in Higher Education.” The presentation dove into an enriching discussion on the often unnoticed barriers faced by disabled people in higher education, and explored how these challenges undermine equity and lead to lack of disabled representation in research and teaching. Together, we identified actionable strategies to dismantle academic ableism, aiming to create a more equitable and accessible educational landscape for everyone.

April 25, 2024

Baltimore, MD

“I Need a (Disabled) Doctor!”: A Case for More Disabled Medical Students 

Invited Panelist

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine hosted a vital panel discussion on enhancing the representation of disabled physicians in the medical field. As a participating panelist, I delved into the crucial role of disabled perspectives in medical education and practice. Through highlighting unique experiences, this panel underscored how these insights can enrich patient care, foster educational breadth, and spark biomedical innovation, paving the way for a more equitable medical industry.

April 10, 2024

Washington, DC

Developmental Disability

Invited Speaker

I participated as a “human book” in the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) “Living Library Project.” In this event, I shared my journey as a first-generation college graduate thriving with a developmental disability. Now working in the critical fields of disability policy and higher education, I offered insights into navigating ableism,  adversity, and the importance of disabled perspectives in government. The Human Library Project promotes a profound exchange of experiences and ideas aimed at fostering understanding and breaking down barriers.

March 21, 2024

Princeton, NJ

“Throw Down and Haunt!!!”: The Spectre of Disability at Pennhurst Asylum

Invited Lecture

I gave a lecture at Princeton University on disability policy and custodial institutionalization. 

March 06, 2024

Baltimore, MD

The Business of Disability

Invited Speaker

I spoke at the Johns Hopkins Carey School of Business on the topic of disability and accessibility. 

March 01, 2024


Builiding Disability Culture 

Invited Speaker

I spoke at the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Disability Identity Studies & Culture meeting on the importance of building and fostering disability culture in institutions of higher education. 

February 22-24, 2024

Missoula, Montana

Big Sky Film Festival Pitch Competition 


Co-Director / Pitch Participant

Along with my co-directors, Mike Attie and Kat Poljak, we pitched our film Untitled Pennhurst Documentary, to a panel of film industry executives. Visit the Big Sky Film Festival Pitch Competition website to learn more. 

February 03, 2024


East Side Freedom Library

St. Paul, MN

Cost of Living by Martyna Majok.  



Co-Directed a compelling staged reading of Martina Majok’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Cost of Living. This thought-provoking event was produced by The Full Circle Theatre Company. For more information, visit The Full Circle Theatre Company’s website.

November 29, 2023

Washington, DC

Why a Disability Perspective in Policy & International Relations Matters

Public Lecture

I presented  at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on the topic of disability policy, international relations, and my experience of being a disabled person involved in this field. 

June 30, 2023

Minneapolis, MN

Disability & Access Trainings


Facilitator | Training

I developed and facilitated two separate trainings for the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS). The first session helped staff and administrators better understand access and disability within an organizational setting. This included instruction in DEIA-best-practices and ensuring spaces are universally accessible for all people. The second session assisted employees in better understanding historical and contemporary issues facing the Intellectual & Developmental Disability (I/DD) community for MNHS’ “Road Sign Reimagined Project” which centers on state-funded schools and institutions for people with I/DD. 

June 21-23, 2023

Toronto, CA

Performance, De-institutionalization Litigation, and the Absent Disabled Other at the Pennhurst Asylum


Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I presented a paper at the annual conference for Law, Culture, and the Humanities. My presentation examined historical uses of restraint in care settings and how that influences contemporary healthcare policies for Americans. 

February 17, 2022

Minneapolis, MN

Disability & Accessibility at the Blake School 


Facilitator | Training/Workshop

I facilitated two separate training sessions. The first session helped staff and administrators better understand access and disability within an organizational setting. This included instruction in DEIA-best-practices and ensuring spaces are universally accessible for all people. The second session assisted teachers in creating accessible learning environments and materials such as syllabi, unit plans, and assignments. These workshops provided further training for administrators, faculty, and staff and helped them incorporate disability not only as a unique and thriving experience but also as an area of critical study.  

December 14-15, 2022

Melbourne, Australia

Blurred Lines: Care as Violence, Disability, Memory, & Performance


Presentation | Academic Conference

I presented at the fifth annual international Conference for Carceral Geography hosted at the University of Melbourne. The conference’s theme was on confinement, spaces and practices of care and control. My presentation examined how what is perceived as care by medical doctors becomes received as violence by disabled people in institutions and long-term care facilities. 

December 09-11, 2022

Minneapolis, MN

Stories Exploring Issues of Disability and Theater


Facilitator & Performer | Webinar

The second virtual event on a series about disability and theater sponsored by the Full Circle Theatre. 

November 16, 2022

Minneapolis, MN 

Coming Out Crip: Disability Identities and Representations of Disability in Popular Culture


Lecture | Senior-High Class | Private, Preparatory Day School

I gave a lecture for and lead discussion with the students of the Blake School’s “Identity and Representation” class. This class examined the multiple and intersecting identities of the human experience and mapped national and international dialogues around identity and representation in the media. My lecture explicitly highlighted identities of disability, and how disability intersects with other underrepresented identities such as experiences found in BIPOC and LGTBQ communities.

November 10-12, 2022

Chicago, IL

“A Peculiar Case”: Disability, Performance & the Legal (De)Construction of Institutionalized Children’s Personhood


Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I presented a paper at the annual conference for the American Society for Legal History. My investigated topics of disability, personhood, and children’s law in the United States.

November 03-06, 2022

New Orleans,LA

Social Death on the Schuylkill:  Care Policy, Disability, & Performance


Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I presented a paper at the annual conference for the American Society for Theater Research. My presentation examined disability, performance, and health care policy. 

July 14, 2022

Minneapolis, MN

Cripping Sustainability: Access, Disability, and Environmentalism


Keynote Presentation

I presented to the leadership and employees of the Center for Energy & Environment on how to implement best practices for working with the disability community and promoting accessible sustainability.

June 16-17, 2022

Atlanta, GA

Dignity, Indignation, and Unsettling: Disability and Legal History


Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I presented a paper at the annual conference for the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities. My presentation discussed how to use interdisciplinary and diverse methodologies to examine disability and law. 

April 01, 2022


Accessibility in Research 


Speaker | Event

This event on research and accessibility was hosted by the University of Minnesota. I spoke on navigating access barriers in research practices as a person with an intellectual/developmental disability. This event featured scholars from various disciplinary homes and  stages in their careers. We addressed the challenges and successes we encountered, the mentorship we received, and advice for how to help support people who have access barriers in research spaces and processes.

View the recording here

March 27, 2022


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Center for Peace: Nothing About Us, Without Us: A Discussion on Empowering Different Abilities


Speaker | Event

I spoke at an event hosted by UNESCO’s Center for Peace that aims to educate society on best practices regarding disability and accessibility.    

February 18, 2022

Minneapolis, MN

Disability & Accessibility at the Blake School 


Facilitator & Consultant | Workshop

I served as a facilitator for a workshop intended to help staff and faculty better understand accessibility and disability within an educational setting. I consulted with Blake’s Chair of Equity & Instruction to create a workshop that provides an introduction to disability as both an area of critical study and a thriving community of disabled people.  

January 28-30, 2022

St. Paul, MN

Molly Joyce: Perspectives 


Interviewee | Multimedia Performance Art

I was interviewed for musician’s Molly Joyce’s ongoing multimedia art project, Perspectives, commissioned by Great Northern.

For more, see Great Northern’s website here


October 21, 2021

Minneapolis, MN

Decarcerating Disability: De-institutionalization,Disability Justice, & Prison Abolition


Panelist | Panel Presentation | Webinar

I served as a panelist for a roundtable event, featuring leading disability justice and abolitionist scholar Dr. Liat Ben-Moshe. Dr. Ben-Moshe will discuss her new book, Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition (2020), and the importance of centering disability justice in coalition-building and imagining a world beyond policing, criminalization, and incarceration. Presented in partnership with the Institute for Advanced Study, Minnesota Transform: A Just University for Just Futures, Critical Disability Studies Collective, and University of Minnesota Law School. 

Watch the recording here.  

October 15, 2021

Erie, PA

Reframing Struggles for Rights & Justice: Research and Resources in Pennsylvania Disability History


Moderator | Panel Presentation | Academic Conference

I moderated a panel presentation at the annual Pennsylvania Historical Association conference. Our panel examined Pennsylvania’s rich disability history and the archival resources available for scholars interested in exploring this history.

June 25-26, 2021

Minneapolis, MN

Full Circle Theatre Company Presents a Forum on Disability & Theater


Facilitator & Panelist | Webinar

A virtual event sponsored by the Full Circle Theater Company exploring issues and topics regarding disability & theater. 

May 02, 2021

Spring City, PA

Pennhurst Benefit & History Day 


Speaker | Historical Event

I spoke on contemporary policy issues facing the disability community at an event co-hosted by the Pennhurst Asylum & the Spring-Ford Area Historical Society. The event comprised of historical tours hosted by the Pennhurst Asylum featuring disability historians and advocates. All proceeds went towards preserving the Pennhurst campus. 

The event sold out. 


April 29, 2021

Minneapolis, MN

Everyone Is Welcome…but are We?: Accessibility Ambassador’s Student Panel on Accessibility


Panelist | Webinar

A virtual event discussing accessibility and disability at the University of Minnesota.


April 17, 2021


Honoring a House of Horrors: Community, Commemoration & the Spectre of Institutionalization


Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I delivered a paper presentation at the annual Society for Disability Studies Conference. I examined the Pennhurst Asylum community to illuminate how they conduct vernacular, dis/abled, and performed historiography through their collective inhabitation of and care for this site.

April 15, 2021

Pittsburgh, PA

Researching the History of Institutionalized People

Panelist | Webinar

I spoke at a virtual event about exploring archival materials regarding institutions for disabled people in Pennsylvania. The Senator John Heinz History Center with Association with the Smithsonian Institute sponsored the event.

Watch the recording of the event here. 


May 22,2020

Minneapolis, MN

Disqualifying Disability: Law, Performance, & the Institutionalized Disabled Subject at the Pennhurst State School & Hospital


I delivered a lecture at the University of Minnesota examining the relationship between law and performance in the commitment trials of disabled children committed to the Pennhurst State School & Hospital. 

April 2020

Columbus, OH

Defining Defective: Constructing Disabled Subjectivity at the Pennhurst State School & Hospital

Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I delivered a paper presentation at the Society for Disability Studies at the University of Ohio in Columbus, OH (virtual presentation). I examined commitment trial transcripts and patient files of former patients who died at the Pennhurst State School & Hospital under the age of 21. I identified patterns of medical and legal claims and moral determinations made through the forms of treatment and the restraints used on the former patients of the Pennhurst State School & Hospital. This data allows me to focus my analysis on the connections between the malpractice and violence documented in the archival materials and the performance practices of the Pennhurst Asylum attraction.

December 2019

Rochester, MN

Pushing the Bounds of (Crip)Community: The Future of Independent Living Policies for Individuals with Disabilities

Keynote Speaker

I delivered a keynote presentation to the Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living (SEMCIL) addressing the successes of community-based living policies for disabled people while looking towards new issues facing the disability community. 

October 2019

Saint Paul, MN

Climate Change Theatre Action: Lighting the Way in Saint Paul, Minnesota



I performed in a live reading of a collection of plays about climate change and environmentalism at the East Side Freedom Library. The Full Circle Theatre Company produced the reading, and Stephanie Lein Walseth directed. 

October 2019

Rochester, NY

Creating the SuperCrip: Disability, Gene Editing, and the imago Dei

Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I delivered a paper presentation at the Exploring the Intersection of Scripture, Theology, and the Sciences Conference at the Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, NY. I examined gene edition, neo-eugenics, and concerns of disabled religious observers. I identified patterns of medical and legal claims and moral determinations made in the eugenics era of the 1920s in the United States, and current rhetoric of scientists and ethicists regarding gene editing technology. This data allowed me to focus my analysis on the connections between rhetoric of the eugenic era and current regulations surrounding gene editing, while giving recommendations for policy makers and disabled religious observers around safe and ethical options for gene editing.

September 2019

Minneapolis, MN

Suspension Therapy: Reenacting Violence at the Pennhurst Asylum

Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I delivered a paper presentation at the Manitoba Ontario-Minnesota-Saskatchewan (MOMS) History of Medicine Conference at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. I examined the exhibition piece “Suspension Therapy” previously on display outside of the Pennhurst Asylum Haunted Attraction. I investigated how this “Suspension Therapy” exhibit not only captured the fantastical amount of violence found in the attraction, but also encapsulated the lived reality for the residents of the Pennhurst State School & Hospital. This paper incorporated primary research regarding the use of chemical and physical restraints during the early 20th century, newspaper coverage of Pennhurst during its years of operation and the coverage immediately following the opening of the haunted attraction, and testimony from the federal district court case Halderman v. Pennhurst (1978). 

May 2019

Minneapolis, MN

Caught by Christopher Chen


I acted as a Docent in a production of Caught at the Guthrie Theatre. The Full Circle Theatre Company produced the play, and Rick Shiomi directed. 

May 2019

Minneapolis, MN

From “Handicapped” to “Handi-Jacked”: Why Adaptive Athletics Matter

Keynote Speaker

I delivered a keynote presentation at the Adaptive Sports Discovery Expo at the University of Minnesota addressing the importance of adaptive athletics for disabled people while highlighting ways to combat pervasive ableism within athletics and recreational settings. 

April 2019

Rochester, NY

Standing in Sheol: Exploring Grief & Disability through Performance

Keynote Speaker

I delivered  a presentation discussing Patches, a play I wrote and performed, that addresses the sudden death of my parents and their own experiences with disability.

May 2019

Minneapolis, MN

Under This Roof by Barbara Kingsley


I acted as Mason in the World Première of Under This Roof at the Guthrie Theatre. The Full Circle Theatre Company produced the play, and James A. Williams directed.

August 2018

Minneapolis, MN

The “Dis”Abled Athlete as Revolutionary Body: Bodybuilding, Disability & Performance

Paper Presentation | Academic Conference

I delivered a paper presentation at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) in Boston, MA. I examined rhetoric around images of disabled athletes, especially disabled bodybuilders. I identified patterns of language that described the performance of disabled athletes as “inspiring,” but not equal to their nondisabled peers. This data allows me to focus my analysis on how disabled athletes rupture normative narratives surrounding the aesthetics of bodybuilding.